That's what I'd like to know.
I've covered the basics and even provided examples.
Other than reviewers re-visiting to refresh their understanding of
reviews, what else is there to say?
What should this blog focus on now? I don't want to be a broken record - remember those? LOL - someday, most people won't.
How about if you ask me some questions? What would you like to see on this blog? What opinions have I stated that you'd like clarification on?
I'm game for a Q & A session.
I could also use this blog as a glorified self-promotion of the reviews that I do for LASR and Whipped Cream Reviews but it'd be so one-sided, where's the fun in that?
I know.
How about the subject of reviewing anthologies!
I really would enjoy a discussion on the best way to approach reviewing them.
I don't know if it's this way for all review sites but anthologies tend to scare the bejeebies out of reviewers. Reading them is all fine and dandy. I found a lot of the authors I read now via anthologies - Nancy Warren and Lori Foster come to mind.
But reviewing them? Yikes. Those are the types of books that tend to languish the longest. I think they can be overwhelming. I once read an erotic anthology of twenty-one stories. And no, I did not review it. Even I was wary of doing it. Where to start and how do you rate a book when perhaps six out of them tanked while some were stellar and some were mediocre reading? How can a reviewer do justice to each individual story within the anthology without ending up writing their own book about the book?
And how many is too many to expect a reviewer to review? Two? Three?
What should the format look like? What has worked for other reviewers?
And get this. Since anthologies have limited blurb space as well, a reviewer actually has to allude to a brief synopsis to explain the story within the book. How crazy is that! I've said
NO SYNOPSIS for all reviews and I'm admitting that there is a loophole.
I think it's the only time a small, and I do mean small, bit of synopsistic - is that even a word? - or synopsised? - sharing is allowed.
Did you just faint? LOL
Yes, I did say it was alright for a small bit of synopsis to help with an anthology review. But Spoilers are still a major no-no. There are no loopholes for those.
So, again I ask you, what is the successful format for reviewing an anthology. Anyone want to share their thoughts/opinions?
Let me know.